Finally it's being finished this month, which was full of exams. I'm heading to the end of May, and have just 2 more exams, will be free soon. What a good news I have.
If I describe last week a word, I can say a "deja vu". Every evening I thought "this scene is so familiar to me, why?", because all the things I did was only STUDYING at kitchen with Boris. So every time we were at kitchen together studying, seemed to me that I had seen that before. Nevertheless, it's being finished, indeed!
Last Saturday I got an appointment to have lunch with Ainhoa and Eider, so I spent whole morning doing my face and hair, choosing clothes, all the girl things to look pretty :p, than went out to buy some ingredients to make Kimbob (Rice and vegetable rolls with laver and sesame oil, which is typical Korean food for picnic). And as soon as I stepped on the first stair, I twisted my ankle and slipped down as if I was playing on a slide. When I woke up I was lying on the floor, and could feel some trouble on my back and waist. I could hardly walk, but went up the stairs again and arrived at home because I didn't want to being looked by my neighbors. Of course, when I was at home I had to stay on my bed all day suffering from horrible backache. Even couldn't I lift my legs nor arms to change my clothes.
When I was stuck on the bed, I asked myself, "why did this happen to me?" and made a conclusion, which is, this happened because if I had gone out that day, something more horrible would be happened to me. It was such stupid thought but there was no other way to console myself in my momentary misfortune. Indeed it was so sad being on the bed with full makeup and hair done. Anyway, now I'm better than Saturday, but still feel ache on my back and wrist when I move even slightly.
And today, after exam I stopped over BBVA for withdrawing money, and I found 400 euros on the ATM machine with a bill. Somebody must have forgotten to bring the money after taking out card, and hadn't come back. I was being tempted for an instance, (because I had spent lot of money last month..) but soon took it out and brought it to bank windows. After that I thought, "if I hadn't handed it something bad would be happen to me to repay this". Time to have positive thinking. Even I can tell it gonna be work or not.
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